Photo: The movie tells the inspiring story of a real circus gorilla (courtesy of IMDb)

The One and Only Ivan is one of a kind

2020-09-20 - Silver Spring, United States. Isabel Corvington

The film is based on the best selling novel by Katherine Applegate. The film portrays the captivity of circus animals as not black and white, but more nuanced, something that is not often seen in movies surrounding animal captivity. The animals aren’t always upset about performing in the circus, and have a mostly positive outlook on their lives. Additionally, there is no clear villain in the film. Even the somewhat greedy circus’ ringleader Mack (Brian Cranston), who holds the animals captiv...

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Zoo Support for Elephant Conservation Hits Record Levels

2008-03-06 - Silver Spring, United States. Debbie Olson

The International Elephant Foundation (IEF) today announced their support for 15 new elephant conservation projects for 2008, marking a record level of support. "Elephants all over the world need our help," said IEF President Michael Fouraker. "The grants made today by the International Elephant Foundation support critical elephant conservation programs." "Conservation projects supported by accredited zoos are essential to the survival of elephants," said AZA President and CEO Jim Maddy. "AZA-ac...

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The International Elephant Foundation (IEF) and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) today announced their support for 15 new elephant conservation projects for 2008, marking a record level of support.

2008-01-09 - Silver Spring, United States.

The International Elephant Foundation (IEF) and the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) today announced their support for 15 new elephant conservation projects for 2008, marking a record level of support. Conservation projects supported by accredited zoos are essential to the survival of elephants “Elephants all over the world need our help,” said IEF President Michael Fouraker. “The grants made today by the International Elephant Foundation support critical elephant conservation prog...

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AZA Elephant Care and Conservation Speak Louder than Extremist Hype

2006-02-02 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.

The Citizen Petition filed today with the U.S. Department of Agriculture by an animal rights group is yet another transparent attempt to generate controversy where there is none, said the American Zoo and Aquarium Association. These extremists have targeted elephants as the first, but not the last, species they want to ban from zoos. In fact, they have plainly stated that their goal is to close all zoos.

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Top 10 AZA Elephant Success Stories: 2005 a Banner Year for Elephants in AZA Accredited Zoos

2006-01-09 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.

Exciting things have been happening for elephants in zoos since January 2005. That's when directors of the 78 American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) accredited zoos that exhibit elephants endorsed an aggressive new elephant conservation vision. Progress since that meeting includes new babies, new elephant habitats and more conservation programs. These and other advancements made the "AZA Top 10 Elephant Success Stories" list for 2005.

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Experts On Elephants, Specialists In Science, Converge On Chicago - 13-18 September

2005-09-08 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States. Jane Ballentine

One of the largest gatherings of animal care experts in the country will take place in Chicago, from 13-18 September when the John G. Shedd Aquarium hosts the American Zoo and Aquarium Association's (AZA) Annual Conference. Experts in the arenas of veterinary care, education, wildlife conservation and animal training will meet to learn about their colleagues' latest research and best practices.

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U.S. Adults Agree That Seeing Elephants In Real Life Helps Promote Education, Animal Conservation; Nat"l. Poll Shows Overwhelming Majority of Public Agrees Visiting Zoos, Aquariums Encourages People to Donate Money or Time to Animal Conservation Efforts

2005-05-24 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States. Frederick Philander

People love elephants, and according to a new national poll, most U.S. adults agree that seeing elephants and rhinos in real life fosters a greater appreciation of these majestic animals. According to opinion poll results released by the American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) today, 95 percent of U.S. adults agree that seeing elephants and rhinos helps people appreciate them more and encourages people to learn more about them and 93 percent agree that it is important that a marine life park...

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AZA Elephant Leaders Commit To Ensuring That Elephants Are In The World"s Future

2005-02-25 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.

Zoos to significantly increase support for conservation programs; 40 zoos plan to expand or build new elephant exhibits in the next 5 years.

Directors of 78 American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) accredited zoos that care for elephants endorsed an aggressive new vision that focuses on ensuring elephants are part of the world's future. The commitment highlights plans for increased support for programs that aid in the conservation of elephants in Africa and Asia.

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Elephants To Benefit From AZA – IEF Collaboration

2005-02-18 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States. Jane Ballentine

The American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) and the International Elephant Foundation (IEF) have entered into a new partnership to help identify and fund critical conservation and research projects that will benefit Asian and African elephants. Populations of both the African and Asian elephants continue to decline in the wild. Human encroachment, habitat loss, and poaching pose major threats to wild elephants.

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Elephants To Benefit From AZA – IEF Collaboration

2005-02-18 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States.

The American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) and the International Elephant Foundation (IEF) have entered into a new partnership to help identify and fund critical conservation and research projects that will benefit Asian and African elephants.

Populations of both the African and Asian elephants continue to decline in the wild. Human encroachment, habitat loss, and poaching pose major threats to wild elephants. In 1970, biologists estimated 1.5 million African elephants in the...

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Elephants To Benefit From AZA - IEF Collaboration

2005-02-18 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States. U.S. Newswire

The American Zoo and Aquarium Association (AZA) and the International Elephant Foundation (IEF) have entered into a new partnership to help identify and fund critical conservation and research projects that will benefit Asian and African elephants.

Populations of both the African and Asian elephants continue to decline in the wild. Human encroachment, habitat loss, and poaching pose major threats to wild elephants. In 1970, biologists estimated 1.5 million African elephants in the...

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8 Headlines about Elephants from Silver Spring, Maryland2006-02-02 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States - AZA Elephant Care and Conservation Speak Louder than Extremist Hype 2006-01-09 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States - Top 10 AZA Elephant Success Stories: 2005 a Banner Year for Elephants in AZA Accredited Zoos 2005-09-08 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States - Experts On Elephants, Specialists In Science, Converge On Chicago - 13-18 September 2005-05-24 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States - U.S. Adults Agree That Seeing Elephants In Real Life Helps Promote Education, Animal Conservation; Nat"l. Poll Shows Overwhelming Majority of Public Agrees Visiting Zoos, Aquariums Encourages People to Donate Money or Time to Animal Conservation Efforts 2005-02-25 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States - AZA Elephant Leaders Commit To Ensuring That Elephants Are In The World"s Future 2005-02-18 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States - Elephants To Benefit From AZA – IEF Collaboration 2005-02-18 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States - Elephants To Benefit From AZA – IEF Collaboration 2005-02-18 - Silver Spring, Maryland, United States - Elephants To Benefit From AZA - IEF Collaboration

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