Elephant owner Bill Morris describes his job as he sits near his R.V. while one of his pet Chihuahuas looks out the front door Monday morning at the Kane County Fairgrounds.

Bill Morris At Kane County Fair: Elephants join other animals as preparations start

2007-07-17 - ST. CHARLES, United States. GLORIA CARR

Bill Morris inherited Cora from his father, who owned 19 elephants at one time back in the 1960s when he ran a circus. The younger Morris' grandfather had seven elephants in the 1920s. The Morrises provide an educational program aimed at teaching people, among other things, the difference between African and Asian elephants. He also shows people how intelligent Cora and Shannon are. For example, they both play a musical instrument. The fair provides a rare opportunity for people to get close to ...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from ST. CHARLES2007-07-17 - ST. CHARLES, United States - Bill Morris At Kane County Fair: Elephants join other animals as preparations start

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