Around 7-8 years ago, domestic and foreign visitors still rode on elephants in Nhon Hoa.

Home of elephants disappearing

2007-09-16 - Nhon Hoa, Vietnam. Tien Phong

When I was young, Nhon Hoa had hundreds of elephants. Every village had elephants, from several to dozens of elephants. In 1993, Nhon Hoa had 16 elephants but now the number is zero, said Mr. Nay Tor, a village patriarch in Nhon Hoa. Nguyen Tan Thanh, Director of the Gia Lai Tourism Service Company, is one of the builders of the famous brand “Nhon Hoa elephant village”, which is widely known by local and international visitors who come to the Central Highlands.

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Nhon Hoa2007-09-16 - Nhon Hoa, Vietnam - Home of elephants disappearing

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