Laelaps is the blog of Brian Switek, a freelance science writer based in New Jersey. This blog frequently features his musings on paleontology, evolution, and the history of science. Switek also blogs for Smithsonian magazine

The Mammoths in Spain Lived Mainly on the Plains

2009-10-29 - New Jersey, United States. Brian Switek

As strange as it might seem, the living African and Asian elephants are only the remnants of what was once a very diverse array of proboscideans. In the not-too-distant past elephants and their closest relatives occupied Africa, Europe, Asia, North America, Central America, and South America, but almost all of them had perished by about 10,000 years ago.* Of these recently-extinct forms the most iconic was the woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius, which was covered in long coats of shaggy hair....

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1 Headlines about Elephants from New Jersey2009-10-29 - New Jersey, United States - The Mammoths in Spain Lived Mainly on the Plains

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