
How elephants beat cancer

2016-10-31 - New Haven, United States. Gaughran SJ, Pless E, Stearns SC. Yale University

Elephants have significantly reduced their risk of cancer by duplicating an important gene called TP53.

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Don’t forget ‘Elephants!’ at Peabody Museum. NEW HAVEN -- What has tusks and a long trunk?

2005-02-17 - NEW HAVEN, United States.

Elephants, of course. The Asian elephant, the African forest elephant, and the African Savannah elephant. Before evolution settled on the ultimate model, it experimented with different shaped tusks, teeth, skulls, trunks and size. Check them all out at an exhibit sensibly called "Elephants!" at Yale’s Peabody Museum of Natural History. The exhibit runs through July 31.

Modern elephants were preceded by a succession of now extinct elephant-like animals called proboscideans (from ...

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2 Headlines about Elephants from NEW HAVEN2016-10-31 - New Haven, United States - How elephants beat cancer 2005-02-17 - NEW HAVEN, United States - Don’t forget ‘Elephants!’ at Peabody Museum. NEW HAVEN -- What has tusks and a long trunk?

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