UNLV geology students Marco Negovschi (left) and Joe Woodworth excavate the tusk.

UNLV paleontologists recover mammoth fossils northwest of Las Vegas

2015-11-13 - Las Vegas, United States.

A fossil mammoth tusk and molar recently excavated by UNLV paleontologists soon will give us a better idea of what Southern Nevada was like thousands of years ago when animals such as mammoths and camels roamed the valley. The fossils were excavated from a site adjacent to U.S. Highway 95 west of Indian Springs, about 40 miles northwest of Las Vegas.

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Two mammoth vertebrae were found at the dig.

Unearthed in Vegas, fossils and evidence of green forests

2009-09-01 - Las Vegas, United States. ERICA SHEN

In a desert wash that was once teeming with water, full of luscious plants and home to such animals as bison, camels and mammoths, they have identified hundreds of sites rich in fossils in an area north of the city. Two mammoth vertebrae were found at the dig.

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Elephant to be put inside bubble at Discovery Science Center

2008-03-11 - Las Vegas, United States.

Popular “bubble scientist” Fan Yang, who has a show in Las Vegas, will attempt to set a world record March 18 by enclosing an 8,800-pound Asian elephant inside a bubble at the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana. Yang will use a customized wand to create a bubble large enough to enclose Tai, a 7-foot, 6-inch elephant that will be provided by Have Trunk Will Travel, a conservation and education group whose animals have appeared in many movies and TV shows.

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REXANO Urges Tippi Hedren to Take Full Responsibility Following a tiger attack at her facility

2007-12-04 - Las Vegas, United States.

“In the USA, only one person dies per year as a result of attacks by captive big cats, 1.5 by captive reptiles, 0.81 by captive elephant, 0.125 by captive bear and 0 by captive non-human primate. In comparison, 45,000 people die each year in traffic accidents, 47 by lightning, and 1,600 by falling from stairs. We have detailed information on our website about our ongoing fight against uninformed legislators and animal rights (AR) activists,” says Scott Shoemaker, a co-f...

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4 Headlines about Elephants from Las Vegas2015-11-13 - Las Vegas, United States - UNLV paleontologists recover mammoth fossils northwest of Las Vegas 2009-09-01 - Las Vegas, United States - Unearthed in Vegas, fossils and evidence of green forests 2008-03-11 - Las Vegas, United States - Elephant to be put inside bubble at Discovery Science Center 2007-12-04 - Las Vegas, United States - REXANO Urges Tippi Hedren to Take Full Responsibility Following a tiger attack at her facility

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