Thomas Dee Huskey, in court

Four murder counts dropped against Zoo Man suspect Thomas Dee Huskey

2006-11-03 - Knoxville, Tennessee, United States.

Four murder charges were formally dropped in Knoxville against an accused serial killer known as the "Zoo Man." Thomas Dee Huskey is a former elephant trainer who got his nickname from prostitutes who said he took them to the Knoxville Zoo to have sex. He remains in jail serving a 66-year prison term for raping four other women in woods near the Knoxville Zoo in 1992.

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Elephant keeper, Knoxville Zoological Gardens

2006-05-28 - Knoxville, Tennessee, United States. EAZA

The Knoxville Zoo is looking for an experienced, motivated, team oriented individual who wants to work elephants. We work both free and protected contact with 1.3 African Elephants. The program is early in its building phase with the ultimate goal of breeding within the next year. There are promotional opportunities available within the elephant team.

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Two Knoxville Zoo workers hurt when elephant breaks loose

2001-08-24 - Knoxville, Tennessee, United States. AP

Two Knoxville Zoo handlers were injured Thursday when Mamie, the zoo's painting African elephant, broke loose during a morning walk.Keepers Tom Troy and Mike Gaugler were taking Mamie on a daily get-acquainted stroll to a new exhibit space when she decided to make a run for some tasty tree leaves, zoo executive director Jim Vlna said. Troy had a cut on his head and Gaugler injured a rib.Both were treated at the University of Tennessee Medical Center, while Mamie went back to her pen and calmed d...

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3 Headlines about Elephants from Knoxville, Tennessee2006-11-03 - Knoxville, Tennessee, United States - Four murder counts dropped against Zoo Man suspect Thomas Dee Huskey 2006-05-28 - Knoxville, Tennessee, United States - Elephant keeper, Knoxville Zoological Gardens 2001-08-24 - Knoxville, Tennessee, United States - Two Knoxville Zoo workers hurt when elephant breaks loose

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