Dr. Ross D. E. MacPhee holds a mammoth tusk in the AMNH fossil collection.   Tina Gaud © AMNH

Cracking the woolly mammoth genome might solve the mystery of what killed them and other giant ice-age animals

2006-11-11 - Hamilton, Ontario, United States. Jeff Hecht

AFTER a tantalisingly successful run at sequencing parts of the extinct woolly mammoth's genome, the project is now stalled for lack of funds. The team now needs about $500,000 to pay for 100 more runs on the sequencing machine and is applying for grants, Ross MacPhee of the American Museum of Natural History in New York City says. "We accept cheques in any convertible denomination."

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Hamilton, Ontario2006-11-11 - Hamilton, Ontario, United States - Cracking the woolly mammoth genome might solve the mystery of what killed them and other giant ice-age animals

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