
Unearthing science. CSUDH prof Jack Adams buried and exhumed elephant to learn why they `do what they do" in this slice from South Bay Yesterday.

2007-09-30 - Dominguez Hills, United States. Shelly Leachman

It was an odd experiment, to be sure: An enormous Asian elephant 5 tons large buried on a southeast section of a college campus, while yards away, near a baseball diamond, a rare black rhinoceros got similar treatment. But it happened right here in the South Bay, at Carson-based California State University, Dominguez Hills, back in 1979. The brainstorm of elephant-obsessed, then-psychology professor Jack Adams, the experiment's goal was retrieval of the beasts' bones for a comparison study aimed...

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1 Headlines about Elephants from Dominguez Hills2007-09-30 - Dominguez Hills, United States - Unearthing science. CSUDH prof Jack Adams buried and exhumed elephant to learn why they `do what they do" in this slice from South Bay Yesterday.

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