A scrimshaw map of Nantucket made by Charles Manghis is displayed in a shop on the island in 2005. Federal officials have accused Manghis of conspiring with a California middleman to import illegal ivory from Ukraine.

Nantucket scrimshander charged with smuggling ivory

2008-04-26 - Cape Cod, United States. K.C. MYERS

For years, well-known scrimshander Charles Manghis has displayed, sold and demonstrated the art of scrimshaw on the island. But he may have just added a black mark to the historic art form. The 53-year-old was charged Thursday in federal court on several counts of smuggling elephant ivory and sperm whale teeth into Nantucket, where it was sold. The U.S. Department of Justice indictment describes how Manghis worked with a Ukrainian man, Andriy Mikhalyov, to arrange sending elephant ivory and sper...

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A fish tale with prehistoric bite. Woolly Mammoths once roamed EAST of Cape Cod

2007-01-06 - Cape Cod, United States.

Tim Winchenbach came home after 17 days aboard a New Bedford-based scallop boat with more than salt-crusted hair and fish tales for his wife and young daughters. "I told them I had a present. Then I said it was a woolly mammoth tusk," Winchenbach, 31 , said in a telephone interview yesterday from his home in Cushing, Maine. "My wife was like, 'Yeah, right.' "

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2 Headlines about Elephants from Cape Cod2008-04-26 - Cape Cod, United States - Nantucket scrimshander charged with smuggling ivory 2007-01-06 - Cape Cod, United States - A fish tale with prehistoric bite. Woolly Mammoths once roamed EAST of Cape Cod

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